Once Upon a Time...from Sicily to Harvey Nicks
My name is Marco Tripoli I am the founder of Marco Tripoli London , a unique fashion retail business now based in Barnes , South West of London. Let's start from the very beginning …. I was born in Sicily , Palermo , where I lived the first 25 years of my life . My background has always been very creative ; my mum is an amazing dressmaker, and my father was an incredible architect . I was surrounded by gorgeous dresses and garments that my mum would make for her private clients ; and by very fascinating building drawings that my dad would make for some of the several companies he used to work for. They both taught me how to obsess over detail.." even the tiniest detail can make a huge difference". Unfortunately Palermo couldn't offer me the creative path that I wanted to follow so after graduating in languages I decided to pursue my dream by moving to London , where I got my first job in fashion in Harvey Nichols , selling the most " Absolutely Fabulous " clothes in the womenswear department , yes at the time when " Harvey Nicks " was the trendiest place to shop. Cher , Madonna , Kylie and Lady Diana were regular customers. The Super Models were on every catalogue and magazine and Gianni Versace was the designer in vogue among Vivienne Westwood , Lacroix and many others …. Harvey Nichols really taught me the importance of branding, ad campaigns, and most of all of logomania.